The Serviced Components Installation Tool (regsvcs.exe) loads and registers serviced component classes from .NET assemblies into COM+ applications. You can also unregister assemblies.
The name of the assembly to install/uninstall.
If a COM+ Application matching the assembly (or specified name) is found, it will be used. Otherwise, a new application will be created.
If a COM+ Application matching the assembly (or specified name) is found, it will be used. Otherwise, the action will fail.
A new COM+ Application will be created. If a matching COM+ Application already exists, the action will fail.
Remove a previously registered assembly.
Specify a name for the COM+ Application to register or unregister (or ID of an application to unregister.) If no name is specified, the assembly file name will be used for the application name.
Specify the name or ID of a COM+ partition in which to locate the assembly.
Specify a root directory for the COM+ Application.
Only applies when registering components. Default behaviour is to reconfigure.
Only applies when registering components. If this option is set, only components (not methods or interfaces) will be reconfigured.
Allows the specification of a type library file to use or generate.
Check to have the type library not regenerated.
Allows the selection of the .NET version to use for the tool. The minimum is .NET v2.0.
This options specifies as whether to force the usage of 64-bit tools on a 64-bit system or not. As Automise is currently a 32-bit application it will default to running the 32-bit version on a 64-bit system. Check this option if you require the 64-bit version to be run.