[Automise Professional Edition]
Performs a backup operation on the entire database or only the transaction log.
The file name for a database backup is generated automatically as follows:
Specify the MS SQL Server to use. Clicking "View List" will attempt to locate any SQL Servers on the network.
The name of the specific database instance to connect to on the supplied server.
Use Windows Authentication mode for login. This requires that the user running the Automise project has access to the SQL server and instance in question.
The username to use for connecting to the SQL server.
The password to use for connecting to the SQL server.
The name of the specific database to perform the backup operation on.
The name of the database maintenance plan to run.
The id of the database maintenance plan to run.
The location and filename of where the database backup report should be written to.
Specify if the database backup report should be in HTML format or not.
The operator to send the generated report to through SQL mail.
Make entries in the msdb.dbo.sysdbmainplan_history table for the operations performed. Zero's will be used for the plan id if no plan was used for the process.
Specify to backup only the transaction logs for the database. If not specified the entire database is backed up.
The location the backups of the database should be written to. If just a path is defined (which can be on the SQL server itself) the backup filename is automatically generated. The default backup filename format is dbname_db_yyyyMMddhhmm.BAK.
Specifies that the backups will be written to disk.
Specifies that the old backup files should be delete.
Specifies that a sub-directory should be created for this backup. The sub-directory is the database name.
This overrides the backup path listed above. Specify to set the backup path to the default location for the SQL server. Depending on the SQL server version this can be different, the default should look something like the following "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup.".
Specifies that the backup will be written to tape.
This will run a restore on the backup with a verify flag. This will greatly increase the time the backup will take to process.