These actions allow you to Read a Registry Value into a Automise variable, Set a Registry Value or Delete a Registry Key/Value.
Enable the "Delete Key" option to delete a key instead of a value. To delete a key, it must contain no subkeys (although it may contain values.)
The root node under which the registry entry resides. Valid values are HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS, or HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG.
The name of the key to be read, set, or deleted.
Instructs the action to delete the key specified by all the other options.
Instructs the action to delete the key and any sub keys.
Name of the value entry within the key to be read or set.
The value type to expect or set as the registries value entry's type.
The variable to read the value entry into.
The new value to set the registries value as. This can be a FinalBuidler variable and will be expanded before setting the value into the registry.
Whether to use the 64-Bit registry entry. If not selected then the 32-Bit registry is selected for use as Automise is a 32-Bit application.