This action has been deprecated, but is still available for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in a future version.
Please see the new set of FTP Actions .
This action provides a basic FTP client, which can be used to upload or download files to/from an FTP server.
The host name or IP address of the ftp server
The port on which the FTP server (or proxy if you are using one) is listening
Your user id on the ftp server
Your password on the ftp server
Instructs the FTP client and server to use passive mode transfers, this is needed when going through some firewalls
Enables Detailed logging.
Sets the transfer mode to Binary (the default)
Sets the transfer mode to ASCII
The host name or ip address of the proxy
The port number of the proxy
The User name for authentication
The password for authentication
None - don't use a proxy
UserSite - Send command USER user@hostname
Site - Send command SITE (with logon)
Open - Send command OPEN
UserPass - USER user@firewalluser@hostname / PASS pass@firewallpass
Transparent - First use the USER and PASS command with the firewall username and password, and then with the target host username and password.
HttpProxyWithFtp - HTTP Proxy with FTP support. Will be supported in Indy 10
CustomProxy - use OnCustomFTPProxy to customize the proxy login
The FTP client works by adding FTP commands to the list. The available commands are :
This can be retrieved into a Variable
Change the remote directory, you can use Automise Variables with this command.
Changes the remote directory to its parent directory, ie up one level
Lists the remote directory into a variable.
Create a sub directory in the current remote directory.
Deletes the specified remote directory.
Deletes the specified remote File.
Renames the specified Remote File.
Downloads the specified remote file to the specified local file.
Uploads the specified local file to the specified remote file.
Scripting Info
The Action properties available are :
property Host : WideString
property Port : integer
property UserID : WideString
property Password : WideString
property Passive : WordBool
property CurrentDir : WideString
property DetailedLogging : WordBool
This action uses the Open Source Indy Components, for more information see the Indy web site :