The Path Manipulation action allows you to perform common file path functions on a string.
This action will make sure that the output string contains a trailing backslash. If the input string already has a trailing backslash, the string will not be changed.
This action will make sure that the output string does not have a trailing backslash.
This action will append a directory to the end of a delimited directory list. Force trailing backslashes will force each path to end in a backslash.
Example: Appending "C:\Path4" to "C:\Path1;C:\Path2;C:\Path3" will output "C:\Path1;C:\Path2;C:\Path3;C:\Path4".
This action will extract the filename, including the extension, from the input string.
Example: "C:\Program Files\Program\File.exe" will output "File.exe"
This action will extract the file path, the filename will be excluded from the string.
Example: "C:\Program Files\Program\File.exe" will output "C:\Program Files\Program"
This action will extract the drive, the file path and name will be excluded from the string.
Example: "C:\Program Files\Program\File.exe" will output "C:"
This action will extract the file extension, the drive, path and filename will be excluded from the string.
Example: "C:\Program Files\Program\File.exe" will output ".exe"
This action will extract the full path, excluding the file extension.
Example: "C:\Program Files\Program\File.exe" will output "C:\Program Files\Program\File"
This action will change the file extension of the input string, with the specified extension. The preceding . must be included with the new extension.
Example: "C:\Program Files\Program\File.exe" with new extension as ".zip" will output "C:\Program Files\Program\"
Scripting Info
The Action properties available are :
property InputString : string;// The input string, if not using a variable
property OutputVariable: string;// The Output Variable name
property ApplyToInput : boolean;// Apply the changes to the input variable, only valid if using an input variable
property UsingInputVariable : boolean;// True if using an input variable, not input string
property InputVariable : string;// Input variable name
property IncludeTrailingBackslash : boolean; // True to Include Trailing Backslash, otherwise false
property ExcludeTrailingBackslash: boolean;// True to Exclude Trailing Backslash, otherwise false
property ExtractFileName: boolean;// True to Extract File Name, otherwise false
property ExtractFilePath: boolean;// True to Extract File Path, otherwise false
property ExtractFileDrive: boolean;// True to Extract File Drive, otherwise false
property ExtractFileExt: boolean;// True to Extract File Extension, otherwise false
property RemoveFileExt: boolean;// True to Remove File Extension, otherwise false
property ChangeFileExt: boolean;// True to Change File Extension, otherwise false
property NewFileExt: string;// The new file extension