The Active Directory Enumerate Group action allows you to list all of the members of a group. The list will be written to the log.
Tip: To list all members of an Organizational Unit (OU) or other container, use the Active Directory Get Info Action.
The group to enumerate can be specified as a simple group name or an LDAP Distinguished Name.
Click on the magnifying glass button to display a dialog that you can use to browse for a group.
Credentials (Optional)
You can choose to specify a username and password to use when connecting to the Active Directory. If no username is specified, the current Windows credentials will be used.
Group Members Filter
You can specify which group members to enumerate. You can choose to show users and/or groups, all types of member objects, or objects matching a specific set of class names.
Save member count / list to variable
You can choose to write either the number of matching group members, or the list of group members, to an Automise variable.
If writing a list of members, you can choose to write either Distinguished Names or Common Names for each member. The list will be written as a string, with one member per line.