The PsShutdown utility allows you to shutdown, reboot, hibernate, lock or log a user off from a local or remote computer. In addition, it can be used to cancel an impending shutdown. See the PsShutdown help topic in the PsTools help file for details.
Power off / Shutdown without power off - Shut the machine down. (*)
Reboot - Restart the machine. (*)
Hibernate - Put the machine into hibernation, if supported. (*)
Abort pending shutdown - Abort a shutdown which is currently pending.
Lock the computer - Lock the local terminal and require a password before access is re-allowed.
Logoff the console user - Log off the locally logged in user.
Check this box in order to forcibly terminate applications before shutting down. Only applicable to those shutdown types marked (*) above.
Check this box to display a window on the local terminal allowing the local user to cancel shutdown. Only applicable to those shutdown types marked (*) above.
Optionally specify a timeout for all connections to a remote host.
Optionally specify a "reason" for shutdown. Reasons are specified as "user reason" or "planned reason", as long as a major and a minor reason code. Only applicable to those shutdown types marked (*) above.
You can specify a delay (in seconds) before shutdown, or an absolute time (hours and minutes) at which to shutdown. Only applicable to those shutdown types marked (*) above.
See the PsTools Common Options topic.