Automise can use one of two different file formats for the project file, compressed and uncompressed.
Compressed Automise project file. This is the default format for a project file. You can use any standard zip tool to decompress it (you'll probably need to change extension for most zip tools to recognise the format though). It is recommended that you use the compressed project file format for large projects.
Uncompressed Automise project file. Project files are stored in a concise Automise specific DSL. If you are adding project files to your version control system, it is recommended that you use this format. The format is specifically made for being simple to diff between versions.
Uncompressed Automise project file. Project files are standard XML format and so are quite verbose.
Automise sometimes creates one or more of the following files alongside the project file. Files are always created in the same directory.
The project information file contains other information and properties relevant to the project, such as:
This file can be version controlled, but must not be read only when a build is running. The format of the file is XML.
This information was stored in files such as .atv, .atw and .atd in previous versions. These extensions are no longer used.
The FBL8 file is the log archive file. It records the logs of any previous builds, up to the log history count option (default is 4). The log file must be writeable in order to open the project file in Automise.
It is recommended that this file is not added to version control, because it is a binary database file. If you do put this file under version control, make sure it is not read only when the project is opened or run.
The lock file is used to indicate when the project is currently opened in Automise. Other instances of Automise cannot open the same project at the same time. The lock file is deleted when a project is closed, or Automise closes. If Automise terminates unexpectedly the lock file for the opened project may not be cleaned up automatically; in this instance it's safe to delete the lock file manually.