The Final Builder Server (FBS) Import may be run any time after Continua has been set up and may be run multiple times.
The FBS Import matches the incoming projects and configurations in Continua CI based on Project name and Configuration name respectively. If a conflict exists then the project or configuration is not added. However, if a child of the configuration still needs to be added then this will be added to the existing Configuration.
For example, if you try to import a FBS project called "myTestProject" into Continua CI which already has a configuration called "myTestProject", then the FBS Project properties will not be converted over. However, if a new FBS Variable is attached to "myTestProject", then that will be added to the existing Configuration in Continua CI.
Project Variables from FBS will be added as Variables on the Configuration in Continua CI. If a variable already exists with the same name on the configuration then the variable is not added to Continua CI.
All source control repositories that are imported from FBS are added as global repositories within Continua CI. The import matches on the following fields to determine whether repositories are the same physical repository:
If two repositories share the same name but do not match based on the above criteria, then they are still added but have a digit appended to the end of their name. If however they do match based on the above criteria, multiple Configurations will point to the same source control repository
Only the source control repositories that are listed in the list above are currently supported in the Continua CI environment.
Users and Roles that are imported from FBS are matched up with Users and Groups in Continua CI based on their names. If the import finds a matching user or role in Continua then that user or role will not be added to Continua.