System Server Properties
In addition to the properties added by property collectors, there are several System Server Properties which can be edited by the user.
These properties decide how to detect errors and warning in the standard output for command line tools. See Error and Warning Patterns Format for details on how to modify these patterns.
Actions.Messages.ErrorPatterns: Patterns for matching against each line of action standard output. Matching lines will be treated as errors. Note that any output to standard error (stderr) is always logged as an error. Default:
Type: "RegEx"; Value: "^(an\s+)?error\b"; IgnoreCase: "True"; Actions: "*";
Type: "Contains"; Value: ": error "; IgnoreCase: "True"; Actions: "MSBuild;DotNetBuild;DotNetPublish;DotNetTest;DotNetRun;Visual Studio";
Actions.Messages.WarningPatterns: Patterns for matching against each line of action standard output. Matching lines will be treated as warnings. Default:
Type: "RegEx"; Value: "^warning\b"; IgnoreCase: "True"; Actions: "*";
Type: "StartsWith"; Value: "unable to "; IgnoreCase: "True"; Actions: "*;-MSBuild;-DotNetBuild;-DotNetPublish;-DotNetTest;-DotNetRun;-Visual Studio";
Type: "StartsWith"; Value: "could not "; IgnoreCase: "True"; Actions: "*;-MSBuild;-DotNetBuild;-DotNetPublish;-DotNetTest;-DotNetRun;-Visual Studio";
Type: "StartsWith"; Value: "cannot "; IgnoreCase: "True"; Actions: "*;-MSBuild;-DotNetBuild;-DotNetPublish;-DotNetTest;-DotNetRun;-Visual Studio";
Type: "Contains"; Value: ": warning "; IgnoreCase: "True"; Actions: "MSBuild;DotNetBuild;DotNetPublish;DotNetTest;DotNetRun;Visual Studio";
These properties are used to define a global banner displayed to all users.
- Server.Banner.Content: The content for the banner. Simple HTML tags are allowed. Note that some HTML tags and attributes will be stripped out to prevent cross-site scripting and page formatting issues. Default: "".
- Server.Banner.ExcludeGroups: A comma-delimited list of security groups. Banner will be excluded from members of the specified groups. Leave blank to show the banner to all users allowed according to the Server.Banner.RestrictToGroups property. Default: "".
- Server.Banner.IsDismissable: Enter a value of True to show a close button for the banner or False to hide it. Default: False.
- Server.Banner.IsEnabled: Enter a value of True to enable the banner or False to disable it.. Default: False.
- Server.Banner.MessageType: Enter one of the following values: (Information, Warning, Error). This property specifies the banner colour (light blue, yellow, light red) and icon. Default: Information.
- Server.Banner.RestrictToGroups: A comma-delimited list of security groups to restrict the banner to members of those groups. Leave blank to show the banner to all users not excluded by the Server.Banner.ExcludeGroups property. Default: "".
- Server.Banner.ShowIcon: Enter a value of True to show an icon depicting the message type at the top left of the banner message or False to hide it. Default: True.
These properties define how fields are displayed on the Queue Options, Requeue Options, Stage Promotion and Configuration Repository Branch Mappings dialogs.
- Server.QueueOptionsDialog.SortBranchesByDescendingLastCommitDate: Set to True to sort branch lists on the Configuration Repository Branch Mappings dialog by descending last commit date rather than alphabetically. Default: False.
- Server.BranchMappingsDialog.CombineRepositoryAndVariableTabs: Set to True to combine Variable and Repository tabs on the Queue Options to one tab. This is ignored if Server.QueueOptionsDialog.UseTabs is set to false or if Variables and Repostory are not adjacent in the Server.QueueOptionsDialog.TabSequence. Default: False.
- Server.QueueOptionsDialog.SortBranchesByDescendingLastCommitDate: Set to True to sort branch lists on the Queue Options, Requeue Options and Stage Promotion dialogs by descending last commit date rather than alphabetically. Default: False.
- Server.QueueOptionsDialog.SortTagsByDescendingModifiedDate: Set to True to sort tag lists on the Queue Options, Requeue Options and Stage Promotion dialogs by descending modified date rather than alphabetically. Default: False.
- Server.QueueOptionsDialog.TabSequence: Use this setting to re-order the tabs on the Queue Options, Requeue Options and Stage Promotion dialogs. This is ignored if Server.QueueOptionsDialog.UseTabs is set to false. Default: Variables,Repositories,Options.
- Server.QueueOptionsDialog.UseTabs: Set to False to remove tabs on the Queue Options dialog and show all fields on one dialog page. Default: True.
These properties are used to define the external links displayed in notifications and passed to actions.
- Server.HostName: The external hostname of the server. Default: localhost.
- Server.HostUrl: The external URL for the website. Default: http://localhost.
Private Messages
These properties define how private messages are cleaned up. The defaults can be overridden on the Private Messages page for each user.
- PrivateMessages.Cleanup.DefaultMaximumCount: The default maximum number of private messages. Any private messages over this maximum count will deleted (oldest first). Default: 500.
- PrivateMessages.Cleanup.DefaultExpiryCount: The default number of days, weeks or months old private messages need to be before they are deleted. Default: 4.
- PrivateMessages.Cleanup.DefaultExpiryUnits: The default unit used when specifying how old private messages need to be before they are deleted. Enter either Days, Weeks or Months. Default: Weeks.
- PrivateMessages.Cleanup.Enabled: Set to False to disable automatic clean up of private messages. Default: True.
Projects View
These properties define the number and type of items displayed on each dashboard view of projects and configurations.
- Server.ProjectsView.Builds.PageSize: The number of rows to show per page on the Builds View of the Dashboard. Default: 12.
- Server.ProjectsView.Details.PageSize: The number of rows to show per page on the Details View of the Dashboard. Default: 20.
- Server.ProjectsView.List.PageSize: The number of rows to show per page on the List View of the Dashboard. Default: 20.
- Server.ProjectsView.Menu.PageSize: The number of items to show per page on the Projects Menu. Default: 10.
- Server.ProjectsView.ShowDisabledConfigurations: Whether to show disabled configurations on the Dashboard views by default. This is overridden by the user when the Show Disabled button is clicked. Default: True.
- Server.ProjectsView.Tiles.PageSize: The number of rows to show per page on the Tiles View of the Dashboard. Default: 60.
Repository Cache
These properties define how the settings used when running the Mercurial (hg) command line to synchronise files to the repository cache.
- RepositoryCache.CloneTimeoutInSeconds: The number of seconds to allow when copying a new repository to the agent (on initialisation of first build on an agent after repository creation or reset). Default: 3600 (1 hour).
- RepositoryCache.CodePage: The code page to use when committing to the repository cache. Defaults to the system code page.
- RepositoryCache.ExportTimeoutInSeconds: The number of seconds to allow when exporting repository changes from the agent repository cache to the agent build workspace. Default: 3600 (1 hour).
- RepositoryCache.PullTimeoutInSeconds: The number of seconds to allow when copying repository changes to the agent repository cache (all subsequent builds after first build on an agent following repository creation or reset). Default: 3600 (1 hour).
- RepositoryCache.UseUTF8: Whether to use UTF8 encoding when committing to the repository cache. Defaults to system code page. Default: False.
Server Update
These properties define the settings used when checking for new versions of Continua CI.
- Server.Updates.CheckForUpdates: Whether to periodically check Server.Updates.UpdatesUrl for updates to Continua CI. Default: True.
- Server.Updates.ProxyAddress: Proxy server to use when checking for updates. Default: "".
- Server.Updates.ShowBetaVersions: Whether to show a Beta versions when checking for updates. Default: True.
- Server.Updates.UpdatesUrl: The URL used when checking for updates. Read only.
Other properties
These properties don't fit into any of the above categories, but are not any less important.
- Export.DefaultFormat: The format (Yaml, Json) to select by default when exporting configurations to a file: Default: Yaml.
- ProcessRunner.MaxEnvironmentVariableLength: Environment variable values loaded from OS will be truncated to this maximum length when passed on to the process running action command lines. Default: 32767 characters.
- Server.Login.EnableRememberMe: Defines whether the "Remember me" checkbox is shown on the Login screen when using Forms authentication. Default: True.
- Server.Plink.Default: The location of Tortoise Plink for SSH connections: Default: C:\Program Files\VSoft Technologies\ContinuaCI\Server\putty\TortoisePlink.exe.
- Server.RepoMonitor.MaxCheckers: The maximum number of repository checkers which can run concurrently. Default: 5.
- Server.AllViews.ShowStageWarnings: Set this to true to colour completed stages with warnings orange throughout the UI. Default: false.