The Demeanor Action allows automation of the Wise OwlDemeanor tool. The Wise Owl Demeanor tool is designed to obfuscate .NET assemblies, making it harder for reverse engineering through the user of de-compilation.
The assembly that is to be obfuscate.
The folder that the obfuscated assembly should be written to. If omitted then a "Demeanor" subdirectory is created and the file is written to this location.
The location where an xml report is to written. The report will detail all elements in the assembly that were obfuscated and the original element they represent.
Forces the obfuscation process to use alphabetic Latin characters as the obfuscated names. This simply iterates through the alphabet using each letter as names, when they are exhausted another letter is added and the iteration done again. This repeats until all names are obfuscated.
Forces the obfuscation process to use digits for the obfuscation names.
Forces the obfuscation process to use high Unicode characters for names. The Canadian Aboriginal Syllabic character set is required to read the characters, otherwise they appear as boxes.
Obfuscate as many elements in the assembly as possible.
Force the obfuscation of method parameters even if the method itself has not been obfuscated.
Change the accessibility of obfuscated methods and fields to compiler controlled accessibility.
Include a obfuscation report at the end of the actions run.
Obfuscate the metadata in situ and leave the rest of the portable-executable untocuhed.
Disable or enable obfuscation for specific elements within the assembly. The options are:
Enumerations, Events, Fields, Method, Parameters, Properties, Types, and Resources
A list of types or members which not to obfuscate. These should be specified in the ILASM or ILDASM syntax which relates to the types name. Examples are;
Wise Owl and Wise Owl Demeanor are trademarks held by their respective companies.