This action provides the ability to build Visual C++ 6 projects and Workspaces. You can choose to build/rebuild/clean all projects in a workspace or selected projects. You can also choose the Configuration to be used (this configuration must exist in all projects in the workspace).
Enter the name of your project or workspace. The project/workspace types allowed are Visual Studio project file (.dsp), Visual Studio Workspace (.dsw), Embedded VC++ 4.x Workspace (.vcw) or Embedded VC++ 4.x Project (.vcp).
If Build All Configurations is not selected, then enter the name of the configuration you want to build
Specify this option to build all configurations listed in the project.
Choose to Build, Rebuild or Clean the project
If building an embedded workspace or project, enter the Config to use
Use PATH, INCLUDE, LIBPATH, and LIB environment variables instead of IDE paths for VC++ builds.
By default FinalBuilder variables aren't expanded for the Project/Workspace files, turning this option on will expand variables.
Only valid for embedded projects, turning this on will build the specified project configurations without building any dependent projects
You may choose to build all projects in the workspace, or build only selected projects
Whether the linker should include version information into the generated binary or not.
Whether to use a Property Set for the version information of the generated binary or not.
The major version number of the generated binary. Can be set directly, or taken from a supplied Property Set.
The minor version number of the generated binary. Can be set directly, or taken from a supplied Property Set.
The release version number of the generated binary. Can be set directly, or taken from a supplied Property Set.
The build version number of the generated binary. Can be set directly, or taken from a supplied Property Set.
Whether to automatically increase the build number portion of the Module Version Number or not. If the number is increased the value is updated into the action. The project will need to be saved so that this persists for the next execution.
A binary can be marked with a number of different attributes. These are namely
Indicates that the project was compiled in debug mode.
Indicates that the version is a variation of the standard release.
Indicates that the project includes a dynamic-link library.
Indicates the version is not the commercially released product.
Indicates that the version was not built using standard release procedures
The primary language of the binary.
Determines the default text character set that is used in ANSI source code. This is used by the compiler in working out how to parse multibyte character strings. This typically includes;
The locale ID which relates to the code page selected.
All the version information which will be attached to the binary when its generated. These can either be sourced from the Project Settings, Property Set, or set directly in the dialog.
Where to update the version information to have the date of the action run included into the version information as the compile date.
Whether to automatically update the FileVersion string based on the FileVersion major, minor, release, and build numbers.
Whether to link the ProductVersion file in the version information to the FileVersion field. Typically used if the product has only one version number across all parts of the build.
Whether to automatically update the ProductVersion string based on the ProductVersion major, minor, release, and build numbers.
Specify this option to have the version information applied to all projects within the solution.
Specify this option to selected the projects that the version information will be applied to.