This Action provides an interface to InstallShield Pro - Standard Edition version 6.2.x - 7.x
The fully qualified path to the setup project file (*.ipr).
You can also compile Installshield Objects (.ipo) but you'll have to specify the .ipo file without using the file dialog. You will also have to manually enter the Media name, as the automatically detected media names only work for .ipr files.
The fully qualified path to where you want the output folders and files to be placed. The built setup files will be placed in the "Disk Images\Disk1" subfolder in the location you specify.
The media name that you entered into the Media Wizard - Media Name Panel in InstallShield.
Specifies the name of the Setup Script.
The location of the ifx.obl file, defaults to the value specified in the Options dialog.
The location of the isrt.obl file, defaults to the value specified in the Options dialog.
The fully qualified path (separated by semi-colons) of any custom library files your setup requires
Specifies the search path for source files that have been included in the setup by means of #include statements.
Specifies the file name to assigned to the compiled script.
Specify any constants you require in the form identifier=value , separate multiple constants with semicolons
Specifies that debugging information should be included in the compiled script file, so a debugging information file is not needed.
Specifies that a debugging information file should be produced.
Sets error reporting level for the compiler.
The maximum number of errors before the compiler aborts.