This action enables you to run (create) one or more instances.
The Access Key and Secret Key for your AWS account. If "Use Global Values" is checked, the values set in the options page (Tools > Options > Internet > EC2) will be used instead.
The ID of the image to create the instance(s) from.
The number of instances to create.
Type of instance to create. See for information on the various instance types.
Optional. The name of a key pair that you have previously created via the AWS web interface. Needed if using a stock amazon AMI, and wish to access the instance via SSH.
Optional. The name of the availability zone to create the new intstances in. If not specified, amazon will choose a zone for you. Use the Get Availability Zones action to get a list of available availability zones.
Optional. The name of a security group you have previously created via the AWS web interface. If not specifed, your default security group will be used.
The variable to return the ID(s) of the newly created instances to. Will return a comma seperated list if more than one instance was created.