The String Pos action allows you to find the index of a string or character within a string.
Use an existing string.
Input a value to be used.
Find the first instance of the character or string within the input string.
Find the last instance of the character or string within the input string.
The string to search for.
The position to start the search from.
Fail if search string not found - Action fails if search string is not found within input.
Scripting Info
The Action properties available are :
property InputString : string;// The input string, if not using a variable
property OutputVariable: string;// The Output Variable name
property ApplyToInput : boolean;// Apply the changes to the input variable, only valid if using an input variable
property UsingInputVariable : boolean;// True if using an input variable, not input string
property InputVariable : string;// Input variable name
property SearchString: string// The string to serach for within the input string
property StartIndex: string// The position to start the search from
property FailIfNotFound: boolean// Fail action if search string not found within input