The Git Repository Status action allows you to view the status of your local repository in terms of changes to be committed, changes to be updated and untracked files.
From the Git Repository tab select the location of the local repository which you want to display the status of.
There is an option to specify how to handle untracked files on the Status Options tab. The Untracked Files option operates in three modes:
No- Do not show untracked files.
Normal - Show untracked files and directories.
All - Show untracked files and individual files within untracked directories.
By default, if there are no changes to commit the action will fail. To override this behaviour use the Fail Action If options.
Fail if no changes to commit - If there are no changes to commit the action will fail.
Do not fail - The action will pass regardless of whether or not there are changes to commit. If there are no changes to commit a warning message will be written to the log.
For more information on viewing repository status in git, see: