The Active Directory Create Object action allows you to create any Active Directory object, of any class.
Parent Container
Specify the Distinguished Name for the parent container (or OU) in which the new object will be created. Click the magnifying glass to browse for a container.
New Object Class
Specify the class name for the new object. In the example above, we are creating a new Organizational Unit (OU.)
Click on the combo box dropdown to see an automatically generated list of available class names (based on the current Active Directory Schema.)
New Object Name
Specify the name for the new object. For most objects, this will be a common name in the form CN=<Name>. In the above case, Organizational Units are specified OU=.
If no prefix is given, the action will automatically append CN=. The new name must be unique in the parent container.
New Object Attributes
Specify an object attributes you wish to set on the new action.
Only simple ADS types (strings, booleans, integers) can be set using this dialog (to perform more advanced operations, see below.)
Click on the "(Click To Add...)" combo box dropdown to see an automatically generated list of valid Attribute names for the selected class, based on the Active Directory Schema.
Not all of the attributes can be set by the action.
Script Events
To enable more advanced operations, this action provides two scripting events - CreatingNewObject and CreatedNewObject. These can be accessed via the FinalBuilder Script Editor tab.
The first scripting event is executed before the new object is committed to the Active Directory repository. The second event is executed afterwards. Attributes which are specified by Active Directory itself (ie "CN") are not available to read during the first event.
If an invalid value is set during the first scripting event (CreatingNewObject), the new object will not be created and the action will fail. If an invalid value is set during the second event (CreatedNewObject), the action will still fail but the object will be created (without the changes.)
In either event, the Object parameter can be used to access the new Active Directory object. You can use any method available on the IADs interface, and any other interface which is defined for the object class in particular.
Specifically, you may wish to use Object.Put("Name", Value) to set parameters which may not be settable via the New Object Attributes field.