The Backup action enables you to perform a system backup, with the ability to write the backup to disk or tape.
This action will not work on Windows Vista/Server 2008 onwards. To perform a backup on these operating systems please use the WBAdmin actions.
The name of the backup to be used in the report. Typically the name reflects the items being backed up.
The label of the backup set.
The type of backup to perform, types include:
Normal: Copies all selected files and marks each file as having been backed up.
Copy: Copies all selected files but does not mark the files as being backed up.
Differential: Copies all files that have been created or changed since the last normal or incremental backup, but does not mark the files as being backed up.
Incremental: Copies all files that have been created or changed since the last normal or incremental backup, marking each file as having been backed up.
Daily: Copies all files that have been modified the day which the backup is performed, but does not mark the files as being backed up.
Backs up the system components relevant the computer system, components can include the Registry, COM+ Class Registration Database, Boot Files, Certificate Services Database, ActiveDirectory Directory Service, SYSVOL Directory, Cluster Service Information, IIS MetaDirectory and System Files protected by Windows File Protection.
Access to the tape is restricted to users in the administrator group.
The folder which to perform the backup on.
A file created by the NTBackup GUI which contains a list of files to be backed up.
The file to backup the specified files and folders to.
The name of the tape to backup the specified files and folders to.
Changes the behaviour of the way the backup is written to the tape, possible modes are:
Create a new Tape Backup: Use this option when this is the first backup performed.
Append to Existing Tape Backup: Use this option to append the backed backup to the tape.
Overwrite an Existing Tape Backup: Use this option to overwrite any existing backups on the tape.
Forces the tape drive to use hardware compression if it is supported.