The Page File List Performance action retrieves specified or total page file current and maximum usage, and can be used to alter the flow of the project based on certain performance characteristics.

Will log all page files found along with their current and peak usage.
Specify the variables you want the current and peak usage of the total page file usage on the machine saved to.
Specify the page file and the variables you want the current and peak usage of the total page file usage on the machine saved to. If you are unsure of the exact name of the page file, you can run this action with the "Log page file usage" option set and it will report the names of the page files found.

The other "fail if..." options allow you to fail the action dependent on the current or peak usage of the total page file usage is above or below a certain threshold. The above screenshot shows that the action will be set to fail if the total peak page file usage is greater than or equal to 90% - an indicator that the page file probably isn't large enough.