The WMI Schedule Chkdsk action schedules Autochk to be run on the disk drive at the next reboot if the dirty bit is set. The method is applicable to only those instances of logical disk that represent a physical disk in the machine. The method is not applicable to mapped logical drives.
Client - Requires Windows Vista or Windows XP.
Server - Requires Windows Server "Longhorn" or Windows Server 2003.
Enter the name of the remote machine, or leave blank for localhost
Select the drive letter. If you want to set this dynamically, set it in the BeforeAction script event. See below.
You can set the various properties of the action via script. For example, to set the Drive Letter via script:
BeforeAction Script Event:
Action.PropertyStore.DriveLetter = TheDriveLetter
Where "TheDriveLetter" is a variable that has been set to a valid drive on the machine, in the format <DriveLetter>:
eg. E: or C: