The Search & Replace window is a powerful way of finding actions and also changing text in a number of actions at once, regardless of which property the text occurs in. Launch the Search & Replace window from the Edit menu, or with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F.
Enter the search term to be searched for.
If selected, BOOK will not match book.
The search string must not appear as part of another word: book will not match mybook.
If selected, the search term becomes a regular expression. For example, b.*k would match book.
If selected, the text of script events on actions is also searched. This is important if renaming a variable, for instance.
To replace matches, first perform a search as above.
The string that search matches will be replaced with.
No replacements can be made. Functions as a sort of "safety catch".
Replacements will be made as normal.
Replacement text is added before the search text.
Replacement text is added after the search text.
Search term is replaced with nothing.
If using the "regular expression" search option, use this option to allow subexpressions to be substituted
Example of using regular expression substitution:
Press <Enter> or click the Search button to search for your specified term. For each match, the Target, action, property and value are shown. A single action usually matches several times, because the string is contained in the title, the log title, and so forth.
Double-click on a match to highlight the action in the Design & Debug window. You can then use the keyboard shortcuts F3 and Shift+F3 to move forward and backward through matches.
Aborts the search, if it is taking too long.
Removes search results.
Select the matches you wish to replace first. The replacements are made, and the matches removed from the list.
All matches are replaced at once.