Automise provides one tool for automating the build, test and release processes. With Automise, you can define, debug, maintain, run and schedule a build process for your software.
Automise features built-in 'actions' for automating many tasks and interfacing with 3rd party applications that are commonly used in a build process. Most development tools such as compilers, install builders, version controls systems, support some sort of automation interface, for example a command line compiler, or a COM interface. Automise leverages these interfaces into a consistent and easy to use GUI application. Each of Automise's actions provide an interface to a third party tool or internal function. Simply chain actions together to create a customised workflow to automate each step in your build, test and release process.
To extend your build process, Automise also supports scripting and ActionStudio, a custom action authoring tool. Scripting can be used with each action as it exposes events which can be coded in VBScript, JavaScript or PowerShell. ActionStudio, provides an IDE for developing custom actions in any of these languages that you can the plug-in to Automise.
Automise is sophisticated tool which can automate many tasks. To help you leverage Automise, VSoft encourage you to take the time to read this help file and explore the other resources we have for learning to use Automise. If you have any questions not answered in this help file, please contact us on