Application Variables are defined by Automise at start-up. The actual variables available will depend on which software you have installed on your machine. Application Variables cannot be modified.
These Application Variables are available on all machines :
SYSDIR | The Windows System Directory, eg. 'D:\WINNT\System32' |
WINDIR | The Windows Directory - eg. 'D:\WINNT' |
COMPUTERNAME | The name of the computer you are running Automise on. |
USERNAME | The Name of the currently logged on User |
DOSCMD | The path to the DOS command interpreter. This is used internally by Automise. |
The following Application Variables are created by Automise:
ISAUTORUN | True if the project is being run automatically from a command line parameter. |
ISCONSOLE | True if the projectis being run from the console under ATCMD.EXE. |
ISINTERACTIVE | True if the build is being run under the Automise IDE. |
ISINCLUDEDPROJECT | True if the current project is being run as a child project (via the Include Automise Project Action) |
ATPROJECT | The full path to the currently running Automise project file. |
ATPROJECTEXT | The file extension for the currently running Automise project. |
ATPROJECTDIR | The dir where the currently running Automise project lives. |
ATDIR | The directory in which Automise is installed. |
ATIGNOREDERRORS | The number of actions in error during the build that were ignored. |
ATSTARTINGDIR | The directory where Automise was started from (typically from the command line). |
ATISELEVATED | True is Automise is running in elevated mode. |