This action expects that DUnitX test executables will output NUnit compatible XML. DUnitX generates NUnit compatible XML using TDUnitXXMLNUnitLogger in DUnitX.Loggers.XML.NUnit.pas
A friendly name for this action (will be displayed in the actions workflow area).
Determines if this action will be run within the relevant stage.
Enter the path and file name of the executable you want to test.
Enter the path and file name of where you want the test output to go. This should be located somewhere in the build workspace.
Enter the path and file name of a file containing command line options.
Adds the parameter -opt to the DUnitX command line.
Enter the path and file name of a file containing a list of unit tests to be run.
Adds the parameter -rl to the DUnitX command line.
A list of unit tests to be run (each separated by a comma).
Adds the parameter -r to the DUnitX command line.
A list of unit test categories to be included (each separated by a comma).
Adds the parameter -i to the DUnitX command line.
A list of unit test categories to be excluded (each separated by a comma).
Adds the parameter -e to the DUnitX command line.
Tick to hide the licence banner when DUnitX is run.
Adds the parameter -b to the DUnitX command line.
Tick to omit ignored unit tests from the results.
Adds the parameter -dsl to the DUnitX command line.
If any tests fail the build will be stopped and marked as a failure. Untick this option to continue the build when tests fail.
If any tests error the build will be stopped and marked as an error. Untick this option to continue the build when tests error.
How long to wait for the action to finish running before timing out. Leaving this blank (or zero) will default to 86400 seconds (24 hours).
Tick to continue build on failure marking the action with a warning status.
If this is ticked, any warnings logged will not mark the action with a warning status.
Multiple environment variables can be defined - one per line. These are set before the command line is run.
If this is ticked, environment variable values are written to the build log.
Tick this checkbox to set up a list of new environment variables prefixed with 'ContinuaCI.' for all current system expression objects and variables.
This checkbox is visible only if the 'Generate system environment variables' checkbox is ticked.
If this is ticked, the values of any variables marked as sensitive will be masked with **** when setting system environment variables. Clear this to expose the values.