The NCover Reporting action allows you to generate a range of reports from code coverage data (which can be generated using the NCover action). Over 20 different reports can be generated within a single execution of the NCover Reporting action.
The Reporting page allows you to specify the Coverage files to be included in the report.
Specify a list of coverage files to be included in the output report. Each coverage file needs to be listed on a separate line within the field provided. Coverage files can be generated by the NCover action.
Specify a file to append the coverage trend data to. If the file does not exist it will be created.
To load existing trend data to be included in the report specify an existing trend file.
Specify a custom XSLT file to be used to format the report.
The value entered here will appear in the heading of the report.
Specify a Build Id for the Merged Coverage Data File Name.
Allows you to specify how the data in the report is sorted.
None, Name, ClassLine, CoveragePercentageAscending, CoveragePercentageDescending, UnvisitedSequencePointsAscending, UnvisitedSequencePointsDescending, VisitCountAscending, VisitCountDescending, FunctionCoverageAscending, or FunctionCoverageDescending
Allows you to hide specific elements within the report.
None, HideUnvisited, HideFullyCovered, or HideThresholdCovered
Control how many of the Top Uncovered items are displayed in the report.
When including trend data, builds with failing tests will be included. Enabling this option will exclude data where tests failed.
The Output page allows you to specify the output directory where the reports will be stored. You can also generate a list of the reports that will be generated when the action runs.
Specify the path where the reports will be stored.
Use the controls provided to add the desired report types to the list. Multiple reports can be generated at once.
The Filters page provides a means of excluding specific data from being included in the report.
Use the controls provided to set filters to include/exclude specific elements from the report.
The following filter will exclude all assemblies that end with 'Test':
The following filter excludes all assemblies that don't begin with 'myproject':
Allows you specify which details should be omitted from Xml reports, may be necessary when generating large reports.
Clear existing filters on the view.
Rather than fail the action if one of the coverage files is invalid, enabling this option will report the invalid coverage files and create the report with the remaining valid coverage files.
Specify the maximum amount of items that fail the minimum coverage thresholds.
The Thresholds page allows you to specify minimum and satisfactory threshold levels. Minimum coverage thresholds allow you to fail the action if the coverage criteria specified is not satisfied. The satisfactory thresholds allow you to report on values that do not meet specified criteria.
The Threshold features are only available in NCover Complete Edition.
Use the controls provided to set the Satisfactory Thresholds.
Use the controls provided to set the Minimum Thresholds.
The following example will fail any namespace that has a cyclomatic complexity greater than 60:
The following example will fail any Class ending in 'Test' where all methods have not been executed:
For more information see.
The Options page allows you to rebase source files, determine action behaviour and set merge options.
Specify source paths to be rebased in the form of "<Source Path>" "<Destination Path>" with each entry on a separate line.
This option allows you to determine whether the action will fail if the Minimum Coverage Checks fail or whether the action will pass regardless of the Minimum Coverage Check outcome.
This determines how the coverage data is merged into the base coverage file.
Allows you to save the merged coverage data and the filters to the specified file.
Allows you to set a working directory so that relative paths can be used.